Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New rules in school ....damn!!!!!

Why, Ling, Why ?????!!!!!!
Why did u make the school a frigin' prison ....
didn't u say we should look forward to school !!!???

Y do u even like new rules that make Lodge School a sucking place to be ..
"My School, My home " right ???!!!!!

My home is not a frigin' prison !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The canteen was so frigin' stuffed today that i was sitting in the sun doing my homework ...
We're not even allowed to go back to class after eating .... WTF!!!!!!

Petrol prices have gone up and everybody is not feeling too great ..
The guys in the future will not be able to play around with cars anymore ....
he still has to make things worse

There was a demonstration against the oil price hike today near my house ..

note: notice the ppl with "kolo mee" hair usually got sth wrong wan ??? no offence, ho ...lol

Moral Tests:
are no longer moral tests, they have b'come tests to test ppl who can memorise so many words -so exactly and precisely ...
all of the students who have a problem with this system of "learning" pls write in to the star newspaper ...someone complained about it a while ago ...we need SUPPORT !!!!!

I still like Cikgu Govin's lessons though ... it's the system . -basically

Random Thought:
I was thinking of starting a model car collection, but i'm not allowed to.
I believe that those guys who have siblings that have become experiments for favouritism have the same problem ..

I'm not allowed to start one because when i was in kindy ,and didn't even know that i existed, I got a couple of model cars .. and i didn't take care of them.

then, when i knew about caring for model cars, i still had a "kakak" at home ...and i believe u know what happens when u ask a "kakak" to clean up toys ....
everything is imagined to be unbreakable .....
all dumped into a box ..."Viola, Beautiful work of art !!!" most were wrecked .

Then recently,( coming back to siblings) u know when ur sibling spoils ur things and u complain , u get this reply:
U never take care of ur own things !!!!!!

I guess i'll not be able to start a collection until i have started working
- and only if I have enough excess money to spend on these things.

The end !!!!
Good luck with the tests and exams that are bombarded at us !!!!