Sunday, July 13, 2008

Exam results r killing me !!!!!!

The pain is so frigin' extreme !!!!!

my results have gone down in a lot of subjects !!!!!

alalalalalalalaaaaa !!!!!!!

WTF are exams 4 anyway !!!!

It just causes "Kiasu-rism" and "brain overheating" !!!!!!!

why not just judge students on their class performance !!!!!!!!

there are schools Finland doing that !!!!!!!

why not Malaysia follow !!!!!!

nvm .....................

life's like that .

secret password 2 get into "thieeee" club : (use it wisely)

"K.IASUIC"- "eh, come! what's the answer 4 number 12 ah, i put a) u know ;i so scared wrong ar !!!!"
I.MMORTAL- "come, let's study till we die !!! that will be fun !!!! Wheee !!!!!"
A.NNOYING- I'm standing there- "Eeeh, ko !!! what is this ar, haiyo !!!! so hard u know ."
"I know, I know , ...not hard leh"
"shut up ,mervin !!!"
overlyS.TUDIOUS- "oi, come help me lah" -"cannot, I have 2 study lah !!!!!! Next yr. got test ar, i haven't even start studying yet ah !!!"
U.NDERDOGS.- you don't wanna know, trust me