Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Letter 2 da edukation menester

( I dare u to mail this )

Dear Hishamuddin Thing,
Kay, now,
why the "Ling" do we need to study sejarah ...
in the book it says we study it 2 be proud of our country and not 2 repeat the same mistakes .
So far all I have studied is the puny little details that don't matter.

OK, -4 example

  • we have 2 study about the different names of novels so that we will not repeat the same novels ever again ...... oooooo
  • we learn about wars so that we will not use "senjata tradisional" to fight in wars ever again ....... ooooooo
  • we study the different names of the ppl who made dumb decisions .
  • we study that we only won when the British bothered 2 help us -if not then we lost our faces ..... amazing .
so, if u think u r that good ....
Study sejarah lah ..... see how much u will remember .

Yours sincerely,
Ling Bai.

- kay?