Sunday, July 13, 2008

Whacky ppl in Parkson.

Yesterday night I went 2 parkson .
There were these wild youngsters dressed in clownish costumes
-one of the guys was even wearing a bra !!!!!

I got their pic :

i think they were just extremely bored ppl who had nothing at all 2 do.
so, ---------they just fool around lah

They were shouting happily saying 2 ppl "Hello !!!!! today's the best day !!!!!!!"
- WTF is that supposed 2 mean ???

we asked them what was all this about ;they just said "FUN !!!!! " ------- -that's nice .
i wouldn't dare 2 do things lyk this if i wanted fun .... it's just too freaky !!!!!

anyway they took a pic. with the other members of my family and gave us roses .
- they didn't even notice me !!!!!!

not surprised ....

There were aa few conservative "ang- mors" (Ozzies, i think) there and were looking at them like they were some wild mad asses .
some ppl hv no sense of freaky humor .....

some of them only had towels put over their upper body (guys lah) .

-- WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!! -------but nice ....