Have you ever noticed how insignificant you are?
No matter how great one is -the richest man in the world -the smartest and so on ....
Does it matter?
The other night I couldn't sleep -my attention deficit disorder started to kick in.
I was thinking -when someone as great as Micheal Jackson was suffering before he died, his fans didn't know -they were just going about their daily activities -I was sleeping .
We only know what is happening around us.
Ok, some people claim to know that they know what is going on in the whole country -they don't.
All the crimes that are unheard of -poeple don't know -and everything else goes on in other poeple's lives.
Like the Fritzl case (Monster in the cellar) -his neighbours had no clue what was going on just a few metres from their houses and neither did the passers-by.
While you are reading this right now:
There are so many things in your area that you do not know about -couples might be fighting, a murder could be happening during a fight at the junction of you lorong, a guy might be purchasing the first gallarado spyder in Kuching, your dad might have just striked the lottery.
So many happenings.
That's only on a quarter of the earth.
What about the three quarters of the earth that are covered with water?
What are all the spiecies that have not been discovered doing in the deep blue oceans?
We haven't a single clue .....
No matter how fast news travels -it still will not be fast enough for someone to use the phrase "fully aware" .